
Inspection Committee

Functions of the Inspection Committee

  1. to conduct inspections of premises for the purposes of granting licences under section 23(2) of the Human Reproductive Technology Ordinance (Cap. 561);
  2. to make recommendations to the Council in respect of -
    1. the grant of licences; and
    2. any condition to which any licence, or class of licence, may be subject.

Membership of the Inspection Committee

Chairperson Prof WONG Man-sau
Deputy Chairperson Dr GO Wing-wa
Members Ms CHOI Doi-kwan, Eva
Dr CHOY Fung-peng, Abril
Dr LAM Mei-ling, May
Ms NG Wing-wing
Dr LEUNG Kwok-yin
Rev LEUNG Yuen-yiu
Mr LO Cheuk-fei, Jeffrey
Rev NG Sui-lung
Dr ONG Yeu-theng, Charas
Dr TO May-kei, Liza
Ms WU Shuk-yin
Miss YAU Ho-chun, Nora, MH, JP *
Mr YAU How-boa, Stephen, GBS, MH, JP *
Prof YEUNG Shu-biu, William *
Ms LAU Shing-yan *

* Co-opted members