
FAQs for Donors

  1. Is there any age limit for making donation?

    In general, female donors should be below the age of 35 and male donors should be under 55. These age limits may be exceeded in appropriate circumstances. Upper age limits for gamete and embryo donations are set because the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in gametes increases with age. Also, gametes should not be taken from anyone under the age of 18.

  2. Can I be paid for the donation made?

    Under the Human Reproductive Technology Ordinance (Cap. 561), no person shall make or receive any payment for the supply of gametes or embryos, except payment for reimbursing or defraying -

    1. the cost of removing, transporting or storing an embryo or gamete to be supplied; and
    2. any expenses or loss of earnings incurred by the donor.
  3. How many children may be born from my donation?

    Before donation, a donor has to sign a consent form in which he/ she would state the maximum number of "live birth events" * that may be produced from his/ her donated gametes or embryos, subject to a maximum of three live birth events. RT centres are obliged to make their best effort to ensure that the limit as specified by the donor is strictly followed.

    *A "live birth event" means an event of the birth in Hong Kong of one or more than one live child from one single pregnancy.

  4. Would my identity as donor be disclosed?

    The donor will remain anonymous. Disclosure of donor's information would only be allowed under circumstances as specified in Appendix X to the Code

  5. Do I have any legal right towards a child born as a consequence of my donation?

    Under the Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap. 429), the donor shall not be regarded as the parent of the child(ren) born from the donated gametes / embryos.